Jul 28, 2010

Play Jewelry

MiniDork loves to steal my necklaces. I have a Mommy Necklace and a key lanyard that she demands to wear whenever she sees them. While the Mommy Necklace is probably safe for her to wear I can’t let her wear the lanyard unsupervised because it’s a strangulation hazard. Plus, I’d really rather she didn’t steal my stuff. I’m always nervous she’ll lose something under the couch or that I’ll forget I took my keys out of my purse and get locked out. So I made her jewelry of her very own.
jewelry kid toy play pretend bracelet necklace sew make craft

jewelry kid toy play pretend bracelet necklace sew make craftThe necklace is made with a velcro closure {yay! not a strangulation hazard!}, a fabric yo-yo, and a gem from last year’s Halloween costume. jewelry kid toy play pretend bracelet necklace sew make craft
The bracelet or “watch” was inspired by this tutorial by Gingham Cherry. It’s just elastic, another yo-yo, and a big button. Cute, no?
But, of course, she still seems to prefer my necklace.
On a totally unrelated note: I contacted White customer service to ask them when Viggo was made. Hopefully I’ll get an answer soon. *fingers crossed*


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