Jul 20, 2010

Well, Darn

Saturday I was having such a good day doing a bunch of different things {like eating ice cream, twice} that I totally forgot to sew.
First I thought “Well, I’m not even two weeks in yet. I can just start over.” Then I thought “Meh. I really did just forget. Am I going to start over if I forget on day 364? I need to stop being such a perfectionist.” Then I thought “but the experiment is every day for 365 days, not 365 days except when I’m distracted or don’t feel like it or <insert excuse here>.” Then I thought “do my {potential} readers care how precise I am? Does it make the experiment less interesting and meaningful if I don’t stick to my arbitrary and self-imposed rules?”
These are the sorts of things that keep me up at night worrying. Now you know the depth of my neurosis. {And if you think I’m just being attempting to be funny I would like to point out that I’m working on this post at 3:03 am.}
I also had Viggo jam up on me twice since the last time I posted which was very frustrating. The first occasion was so bad the onesie I was trying to hem into a t-shit ripped {and may not be salvageable}. The ManDork had to remove the needle from the machine just to remove the fabric. I have no idea what went wrong. I’m just hoping it doesn’t happen again when I pluck up enough courage to work on all the onesies I’m converting {we’ve casually begun potty training and unsnapping MiniDork’s shirts so she can sit on the potty is sort of a pain}.
But it’s not all bad. I finished the second set of bean bags which will be sent to certain kiddos to whom I am related as part of their Christmas present. MiniDork is still endlessly entertained by hers so I think they’ll be well-received.
The I-Spy Swap is full and the Flickr pool of fabrics is growing in awesomeness. They’re are a few selections I just don’t like and may not end up using but overall the fabrics are full of awesome and win.
I bought some new towels on sale that are thinner and covered in blue butterflies {MiniDork looooooves butterflies…and bees too thanks to copious amounts of Pooh-watching but there were no bee towels}. As soon as I get more twill tape and get everything pre-washed I will again attempt to make her a bath robe. And if she hates it I’ll concede bathrobe defeat and move on to the hundreds of other projects I have bookmarked.
I’m not exaggerating. I have hundreds of saved links to various sewing projects I want to tackle {and even more links to other non-sewing crafts}. I figure if I stop visiting One Pretty Thing and all the other craft blogs I like {and therefore cease to collect more links} I might finish all the projects on my oooooh-that’s-so-cute-I-have-got-to-make-that! list by 2025. What can I say? Some people collect porcelain figurines of creepy-looking children with oversized eyes, I collect ridiculous numbers of to-do items.


  1. For some reason, OpenID and LJ are being stupid and won't communicate. It keeps eating my comments.

    NaNoWriMo is famous for it's 30 Day Rule, and they advise you write daily. The lady who cooked crockpot meals for 365 days and Julie of "Julie & Julia" fame had greater impact on their audience by sticking to the 365 Day Rule.

    How seriously do you want to take this? Do you want to keep it a hobby? Do you want to allow for critical hardware failures, or are you willing to sew by hand when Viggo is out for repairs? Can you allow yourself to settle for anything less than complete success? Would sewing for charities help motivate you?

    Just some thoughts. *copies comment this time*

  2. I think I want to stick to the 365 perfectly. I plan on including hand stitching in that {as I certainly won't be hauling Viggo with me when I travel}. :) I'll just have to be more diligent so that I don't forget and have to start over again.

    Also, I <3 NaNoWriMo.


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